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Aspen Chapel

Quick Start Guide - Take a Tour

tour-largeWelcome to our website! This website is a dynamic and interactive way to participate in the life of the church on-line. Whilst there is plenty of information for visitors to find out about us, this website is primarily for you - and there's a whole variety of different ways you can participate and make the most of the facilities available.


This Quick Start Guide provides a brief introduction to some of the main features.


Much of the information on this website is private. This means a visitor to the website may access some information (such as where and when the church meets) but will not be able to access secure areas such as the address book. To login click the 'login' link at the top of the screen. A window will appear where you can enter a login name and password; enter the details as supplied, taking care to use capital letters where appropriate (if you've forgotten your username and password you can click on the 'forgotten my password' link). If you've never received a username and password you can click on the 'Register' link to apply for an account you can login with.

Once the login process is complete a welcome message will appear at the top of the screen.

The front page

The front page of the website provides a brief introduction to everything going on in the church community now. Here's an description of the key areas of your frontpage:


A diary of events for this week. Click on the item to display more information about the event including a link to contact the meeting organiser and a map showing the meeting location.


Latest Articles

See a selection of the most recent articles added to the website.  Click on the title to see the full article.


Recent Forum Posts

A selection of the most recent contributions to the discussion forums and responses to articles.  Click on the text to display the full message or click View all forums to see a complete list of forums.


Exploring this site

The menu bar at the top of the screen allows you to access the rest of the church website. Alternatively you can use the site search to look for a specific piece of information.  Here's an explaination to some of the options on the menu bar:


Click the home option at any stage to return to the homepage.  Hover over the menu to access the following areas of the web site:

Forums - see a complete list of discussion forums; those forums with new messages will be highlighted.

Audio / Video - listen and watch the latest published recordings.

Chatter - communicate with other logged in site members in real time using chatter zones.

Address Book - a directory of contact information for logged in site members only.

Calendar - click on this option to see the calendar for the current month.

  Across the City - this option will display other churches in the UK that use the ChurchInsight system, plotted geographically.


This section allows you to configure your personal settings including: update your contact details, change your password, see when you are next scheduled to contribute to a rota duty and submit new articles for publication on the website.

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Hi there!

unnamed (9)

We are Nicholas and Heather Vesey
We lead the services here at the Aspen Chapel most Sundays.
Have a look around our site. There are plenty of free courses to watch from our 'Wisdom from the Top of the World' page. Click here to go to it

If you are planning on a visit, here is some information as to what to expect:

When: We meet every Sunday at 9.30am for about an hour. If you cannot make it in person, you can live stream the event by clicking here.

Where: We are the chapel by the roundabout as you come into aspen. Specifically here.

What: We (Heather and Nicholas) come from a Christian Episcopal background, however our community draws from all the world’s wisdom traditions with the aim of learning together to live our lives more skillfully.

And there are local musicians from up and down the Roaring Fork Valley to play for us.

Every week we will focus on a topic within a theme.

Light imageAt the moment we are looking at what the topic of 'Gathering in the Light'.
In these troubled times how do we make our way forward. Finding light in the shadow of darkness.
This series is about how to gather the light around us and become sources of light for others.

There will also be prayer and meditation, generally led by Heather, and Nicholas will give a talk on the topic for the day.

Finally, there is an opportunity for discussion and feedback as we pass the microphone around for everyone to join in.

Kids? We also offer childcare with younger children being looked after and given creative ways to look at a topic for the day.

Coffee and Yummies. After the service there is a food and drink reception for everyone to get to know each other a bit more.

If you would like to be on our mailing list, click here