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Aspen Chapel

What people say about the book......


DVCover150Richard Rohr, author of "Everything Belongs"

When Jesus talked about four kinds of soil, he was already telling us that the same message would be heard at different levels of depth and truth. Here you can understand why that is true, and so important, and how you might grow--and help our world grow toward the wisdom we need to thrive--and not just survive.

James Finley, author of "Thomas Merton's Palace of Nowhere"

In this book Nicholas Vesey offers us a simple method to help us live in experiential openness to all we really are and are called to be.  

He presents us with a series of stories and images of everyday life, inviting us to reflect on the stories in a way that allows us to see more deeply into the depths each story embodies.

As we go on this way, the stories in the book begin to merge with the unfolding story of our own life.

We begin to realize that each moment of our life is a door that is always open to the divinity each moment of life invites us to discover.
As we see the simple events of everyday life in this way, we learn to pass through the open door of each new moment into ever deeper, more habitual awareness of the God-given Godly nature of life itself.

Of course, this process of learning to see the divinity of all that we see is just the beginning. But it is a real beginning, a lifelong beginning, in which we learn to yield ourselves over to the depths to which are being awakened.

The book is as disarmingly simple as life itself; offering us nothing but life to consider, nothing but life to live as the way to realize all that life really is.

As the journey continues, the sayings of the great mystics and poets no longer seem so strange or obscure to us.
We begin realize that the mystics and poets are talking to us.

They are trying to help us find our way in the mysterious process of awakening to the graced and boundaryless nature of ourselves, others and all things.


The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, Ph.D., author of "Centering prayer and Inner Awakening"

An astonishingly fresh, original, and user-friendly introduction to the craft of Consciousness.

Deftly avoiding the twin landmines of metaphysics and piety, Vesey lays out his path in practical, sequential lessons designed to be applied in and to the conditions of daily life. This book is a real gift for all who are interested in increasing their spiritual awareness, but with little patience for wading through esoteric explanation or thinly disguised evangelism. While the author gradually reveals himself as a caring and committed Anglican priest, he never forces his convictions on the reader or suggests that religion has any corner on the market of consciousness.

His openness remains impeccable. My ten-year-old grandson could happily use this book, as could his forty-year-old stockbroker dad.


Martin Laird, author of "Into the Silent Land"

With this book Nicholas Vesey makes a welcome contribution to the literature on the tradition of Christian meditation.

Speaking out of this tradition more than to it, Vesey addresses a broad audience, irrespective of denomination. He proves to be a gifted communicator as he speaks directly, honestly (sometimes startlingly so) and refreshingly from his own experience of the path.
Christians and non-Christians alike will profit from reading this lovely book on meditation.

Malcolm Stern - co-founder of "Alternatives at St James' Piccadilly"  and co-presenter of the British series " Made for each other"

As a starting point for anyone interested in awakening to their spiritual path, this book is perfect. It takes you on the journey one step at a time, and leads you up to the right place. Brilliant!

Click here to order a copy from our local bookstore, Explore Booksellers or click here to reserve a copy from Nicholas.


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Planning your Visit

Hi there!

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We are Nicholas and Heather Vesey
We lead the services here at the Aspen Chapel most Sundays.
Have a look around our site. There are plenty of free courses to watch from our 'Wisdom from the Top of the World' page. Click here to go to it

If you are planning on a visit, here is some information as to what to expect:

When: We meet every Sunday at 9.30am for about an hour. If you cannot make it in person, you can live stream the event by clicking here.

Where: We are the chapel by the roundabout as you come into aspen. Specifically here.

What: We (Heather and Nicholas) come from a Christian Episcopal background, however our community draws from all the world’s wisdom traditions with the aim of learning together to live our lives more skillfully.

And there are local musicians from up and down the Roaring Fork Valley to play for us.

Every week we will focus on a topic within a theme.

GoodAt the moment we are looking at what the topic of 'The Journey to Awakening'.
As we work out how to respond to the time we are living through, we look towards how we can awaken from the illusion of separateness to the reality of interconnectedness.
As we work out how to respond to the time we are living through, the question 'How to be Good' has never been more relevant,
In this series we look at the concept of 'Goodness', and how to be it in our world.

There will also be prayer and meditation, generally led by Heather, and Nicholas will give a talk on the topic for the day.

Finally, there is an opportunity for discussion and feedback as we pass the microphone around for everyone to join in.

Kids? We also offer childcare with younger children being looked after and given creative ways to look at a topic for the day.

Coffee and Yummies. After the service there is a food and drink reception for everyone to get to know each other a bit more.

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