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Aspen Chapel




To purchase the day long event on Feb 17th (see below) click here)

About Cynthia
Cynthia Bourgeault is a modern day mystic, Episcopal priest, writer, and internationally
acclaimed retreat leader. She has a long history in this valley, as a friend of both the Aspen
Chapel and the Snowmass Monastery.
She was a pioneer of the Centering Prayer movement with Fr. Thomas Keating and is the
founding director of an international network of Wisdom schools, uniting classic Christian
mystical and monastic teaching with contemporary practices of mindfulness and embodiment.
She was also for many years a Faculty Member of Richard Rohr’s Center for Action and
Contemplation in Albuquerque. She has been honored as one of the 100 most spiritually
influential living people in 2021.

About the Event
As preparation for the day the one book to read is Cynthia’sCorner of book
“The Corner of Fourth and Nondual.” This will provide the
basis of Cynthia’s talk and a launching pad from which she
will jump off into our topic. It is a short book and will provide
you with a great way into the day. During the event Cynthia
will take a deep dive into the heart as the real seat of all
knowledge. This will provide a wonderful opportunity to re-
think the context for your life within a supportive

Click on the image below to see a video of Cynthia in action
cynthia 2


Watch "An Audience with Cynthia Bourgeault" from Sunday Fen 18th 2024

'How Contemplative Practice is one of the answers to our troubled World"

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Planning your Visit

Hi there!

unnamed (9)

We are Nicholas and Heather Vesey
We lead the services here at the Aspen Chapel most Sundays.
Have a look around our site. There are plenty of free courses to watch from our 'Wisdom from the Top of the World' page. Click here to go to it

If you are planning on a visit, here is some information as to what to expect:

When: We meet every Sunday at 9.30am for about an hour. If you cannot make it in person, you can live stream the event by clicking here.

Where: We are the chapel by the roundabout as you come into aspen. Specifically here.

What: We (Heather and Nicholas) come from a Christian Episcopal background, however our community draws from all the world’s wisdom traditions with the aim of learning together to live our lives more skillfully.

And there are local musicians from up and down the Roaring Fork Valley to play for us.

Every week we will focus on a topic within a theme.

GoodAt the moment we are looking at what the topic of 'The Journey to Awakening'.
As we work out how to respond to the time we are living through, we look towards how we can awaken from the illusion of separateness to the reality of interconnectedness.
As we work out how to respond to the time we are living through, the question 'How to be Good' has never been more relevant,
In this series we look at the concept of 'Goodness', and how to be it in our world.

There will also be prayer and meditation, generally led by Heather, and Nicholas will give a talk on the topic for the day.

Finally, there is an opportunity for discussion and feedback as we pass the microphone around for everyone to join in.

Kids? We also offer childcare with younger children being looked after and given creative ways to look at a topic for the day.

Coffee and Yummies. After the service there is a food and drink reception for everyone to get to know each other a bit more.

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